Registration for participation in the mentioned competitions must be done via the link below.
To participate, one must be in possession of a workbook and membership card (linked to the insurance) of the NVBK or personal Insurance for members ouyside Belgium.
Check whether all information is correct, if not please adjust it.

f you want more information about this part and the connection conditions, please contact the NVBK or the Globalring committee.
At the request of foreign dog lovers and clubs, the NVBK has decided to offer this discipline to everybody.
Globalring is a program that is in line with the existing Belgian ring program, which in this way offers opportunities to take part in competitions internationally.
Global also exists in three categories.
Everyone who is member and in possession of a scorebook book NVBK can participate.
For newcomers, we still have the playing card, which can be requested at the National Secretariat.
The Global program is completely separate from our existing ring program.
It is a separate discipline that is open to all lovers and dog breeds.
28/03/2025 |
Seminar decoy |
29/03/2025 |
12/04/2025 |
19/04/2025 |
BYLANY Tsjechie |
03/05/2025 |
17/05/2025 |
24/05/2025 |
LESSINES Belgium |
21/06/2025 |
NAMUR Belgium |
12/07/2025 |
ANDENNE (organiser par Namur) Belgium |
Rue de Bonneville en face de N° 11 A |
06/09/2025 |
ITTRE (organiser par Namur) Belgium |
13/09/2025 |
VRCHLABI Tsjechie |
04/10/2025 |
International championship Global |
GMI (Global Member Individual) is only for FOREIGN enthusiasts who want to practice the globalring and are not affiliated with a Belgian club of the NVBK, they can become a member via the GMI and can thus participate in the global competitions.
An enthusiast affiliated with the GMI can possibly organize a competition himself. The application for such a facility must be submitted through the committee. Competition tax must be paid at least 1 month in advance, see NVBK price list..
Programme global
Categorie 1 (lowest categorie beginners)
- Heal - 6 pt
- Down, 1 minute down - 10 pt
- Refuse of beath - 5 pt
- Straight a head - 12 pt
- Retrieve object - 12 pt
- Positions 10 pt
- Jump
(choise of haie, long jump, pallisade) - 15 pt
- Attack with stick - 50 pt
- Attack running - 50 pt
- Defense of the handler - 30 pt
Total 200 pt.
Categorie 2
Al the exercises from categorie 1 +
- Wooden stick - 15 pt
- Haie - 20 pt
- Atack with stick over obstacles - 40 pt
- Attack running- 30 pt
- Search and transport - 40 pt
- Attack with defended obstacles - 40 pt
Total 300 pt.
Categorie 3 (highest categorie)
Al the exercises from category 1 + 2 +
- Pallisade - 15 pt
- Long jump - 20 pt
- Stop attack - 30 pt
- Guarding object - 30 pt
Total 400 pt.

Keurders Global Juges Global |
Mail |
Bocken Bart |
0477/852748 |
België |
contact |
Demeure Francois |
0474/677674 |
België |
contact |
Lemmens Francis |
0494/187349 |
België |
contact |
Herinckx Georges |
0479/663788 |
België |
contact |
Ploeg Humphrey |
Nederland |
contact |
Heezen Dominique |
Nederland |
contact |
Dolezal Standa |
Czech republic |
contact |
Voplakalové Alexandra |
Czech republic |
contact |
Alex Schaidt |
Duitsland |
contact |
Van Israël Joelle |
+33 638 45 68 61 |
België |
contact |
František Škvrna |
Czech republic |
contact |
Commissie Globalring - Commission Globalring |
Coördinator Coordinateur |
NVBK Bocken Bart |
9140 Temse - België België |
contact |
Coach NL |
Heezen Dominic |
Nederland |
contact |
Coach DE |
Schnaidt Alex |
Germany |
contact |
Coach CR |
Miloslav Fohl |
Czech republic |
contact |
Secretaris Secrétaire |
Lemmens Francis 0496/860457 |
België |
contact |
Coördinator keurders Coördinateur juges |
Ploeg Humphrey |
Nederland |
contact |
Coördinator aanvalsmannen Coördinat. homme d'attaque |
Dolezal Standa |
Czech republic |
contact |
Hulp-coördinator AM Vice-coördinat.HA |
Debelle Kevin 0479/663788 |
België |
contact |
Raadslid Conseiller |
Demeure Francois 0474/677674 |
Belgïe |
contact |