Intro NVBK
Association for dog sport, breeding and pedigree registration.

Our goal is to introduce everyone to the Belgian dog sport and the registration of our pedigrees.

The National Federation of Belgian Kynologists (NVBK) is an organization that results in clubs.
These are housed, according to the discipline, in different subsections.

Both the advanced trainer and the layman in the dog sport find here his liking.
The experts will find everything about the competitions, the necessary forms and the latest news, the laymen will find a brief overview of our sports programs and the address where contact can be made.

All sports such as ring, obedience, agility, breeding / show, waterwork and Globalring are managed by our own committees under the watchful eye of the central management.

The NVBK is managed by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS and a delegated DAILY MANAGEMENT.
Each discipline is led by its own committee. Each committee results under the board of directors.
Insurance members
The NVBK has taken out group Insurance

BUT affiliated members who are not covered by the Belgian social system must provide insurance themselves.

The policy must includes civil liability and physical accidents.

The insurance is mandatory for all affiliated members.

When participating in an event of the NVBK, the participant must present a statutory insurance.
News - Info
NVBK Breeding and pedigree registration
The NVBK is recognized by the Flemish government as a studbook organization, for all breeds.

Our association works together with the laboratory "Dr. van Haeringen Polygen b.v. (VHP) in Malle, Belgium".

The NVBK and the "Flemish breeding committee" work together with the Flemish government on the health of our dogs.

Secretariat and info
   Algemeen voorzitter
   Président général
Pauwels Germain 9030 Mariakerke 0496/287088   contact
   Vice - président
Oste Marc 2070 Zwijndrecht 0479/663788   contact
   Vice - président
Dupae Francis 3800 Sint Truiden 0492/511901   contact
Nieuwe steenweg 5
9140 Temse 052/380992   contact
Pauwels Germain 9030 Mariakerke 0496/287088   contact
  membres du Conseil
Hamelrijk Jean-Marie 1850 Grimbergen   02/2678440   contact
Renneboog Luc 9230 Nieuwekerken 0476/951462   contact
Geirnaert Kurt 9971 Lembeke 0473/985270   contact
Nieuwe steenweg 5
9140 Temse - Belgïe
RPR Gent, afdeling Dendermonde   
Open on Saturday 10.00 - 14.00 u
Tel./Fax +32 52 380992


KBC -  BE51 4198 0152 4162  
(BIC) KREDBEBB                          
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VAT nr.   BE 0411 565 654
Enterprisenr.  0411565654

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Registered letters are not accepted!

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